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Start Date between Sept 22 - July 25

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If you began your programme between September 2022 and July 2025, you will always find your modules in this section. 

Start Date between Sept 22 - July 25

Business Strategy image

OENG5101M Business Strategy for Engineers



This module provides an introduction to strategic thinking and business strategy in Engineering businesses and organisations. Students will learn how Engineering organisations interpret and engage with their stakeholders and environments, develop unique capabilities, implement strategic change and set up and maintain strategic alliances in order to achieve competitive advantage.
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OENG5102M Enterprise and Business Planning



This module seeks to introduce students to the essential skills in enterprise and business planning that are needed to be effective Engineering managers. This includes legal, financial, commercial and marketing issues that are encountered in modern businesses and organisations. The material covered has a particular focus on the planning of new enterprises and exploiting new business opportunities.
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Decision Making image

OENG5202M Decision Making for Engineering Managers



Decision making is a key management function. Participants will obtain an understanding of the thinking processes that underlie their own and others’ judgement and decision making in individual and group decision making situations. Participants will gain knowledge processes of operations, risk and quality management and learn to recognise the judgmental errors and decision biases that commonly arise, and strategies for improving decision making within areas of operations, risk and quality management.
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OENG5203M Emerging and Disruptive Technologies



Developments in science and technology continue apace and disruptive technologies and business models continue to emerge that can transform businesses at breakneck speed. One of the greatest challenges for engineering managers is to maintain a good understanding of emerging and disruptive technologies and be ready to adopt them when the time is right. Too early, and resources can be wasted. Too late, and the competition may have developed an unassailable lead in a new product type or business model. The Internet revolution gives a number of case studies – spectacular successes and failures – for students to learn from. The digital revolution is by no means over however, with new technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence and big data having profound impacts on almost all industry sectors. This module will bring students up to date with a range of research areas and help prepare them to manage the adoption of new technologies within their own organisation.
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OENG5300M Engineering Management Project



This module is designed to help students develop and demonstrate the skills required to carry out a substantial individual project in a chosen aspect of Engineering Management. Core skills for conducting the individual project are first developed through guided online learning.
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OENG5101M Business Strategy for Engineers (Alumni)



This module provides an introduction to strategic thinking and business strategy in Engineering businesses and organisations. Students will learn how Engineering organisations interpret and engage with their stakeholders and environments, develop unique capabilities, implement strategic change and set up and maintain strategic alliances in order to achieve competitive advantage.
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OENG5102M Enterprise and Business Planning (Alumni)



This module seeks to introduce students to the essential skills in enterprise and business planning that are needed to be effective Engineering managers. This includes legal, financial, commercial and marketing issues that are encountered in modern businesses and organisations. The material covered has a particular focus on the planning of new enterprises and exploiting new business opportunities.
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OENG5202M Decision Making for Engineering Managers (Alumni)



Decision making is a key management function. Participants will obtain an understanding of the thinking processes that underlie their own and others’ judgement and decision making in individual and group decision making situations. Participants will gain knowledge processes of operations, risk and quality management and learn to recognise the judgmental errors and decision biases that commonly arise, and strategies for improving decision making within areas of operations, risk and quality management.
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Emerging and Disruptive Technologies image

OENG5203M Emerging and Disruptive Technologies (Alumni)



Developments in science and technology continue apace and disruptive technologies and business models continue to emerge that can transform businesses at breakneck speed. One of the greatest challenges for engineering managers is to maintain a good understanding of emerging and disruptive technologies and be ready to adopt them when the time is right. Too early, and resources can be wasted. Too late, and the competition may have developed an unassailable lead in a new product type or business model. The Internet revolution gives a number of case studies – spectacular successes and failures – for students to learn from. The digital revolution is by no means over however, with new technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence and big data having profound impacts on almost all industry sectors. This module will bring students up to date with a range of research areas and help prepare them to manage the adoption of new technologies within their own organisation.
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Engineering Management Project image

OENG5300M Engineering Management Project (Alumni)



This module is designed to help students develop and demonstrate the skills required to carry out a substantial individual project in a chosen aspect of Engineering Management. Core skills for conducting the individual project are first developed through guided online learning.
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