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OENG5205M Safety and Corporate Social Responsibility

Safety image



Leaders and managers of any engineering activity, be this in the private or public sector, need to make responsible, ethical decisions that protect the safety and health of an organisation’s employees, users of the organisation’s products and the wider public. Operating with a strong regard for safety and health protects not only people, but also the organisation’s reputation and future. There can be a substantial, positive return on investment in safety and health, for example through avoiding productivity and property losses, impact on future insurance premiums, uninsured costs, fines etc. This module provides the tools and ways of thinking needed to address safety in the context of an engineering enterprise.Increasingly, it is recognised that companies need to engage in good “corporate citizenship” and undertake activities, beyond those required for regulatory compliance, to achieve some form of positive social or environmental impact. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) implies that a company’s focus is not exclusively on profit, but also people (human rights, labour practices, consumer issues, fair operating practices and community involvement/development) and the planet (supporting a sustainable future). This module helps students to make responsible decisions in their future careers.


Detailed Description

Full programme information can be found in the Module and Programme Catalogue

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