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OLUB5210M Business Analytics (Alumni)

Business Analytics image



Data is an invaluable resource in the 21st century, but in order to gain the full benefit from the information available, managers need to be able to transform data into insights through data analytics, particularly in situations where various conflicting sensibilities and stakeholders are involved. In this module, students will obtain an understanding of the processes that underlie the transformation of data into insights. Through studying the module students will: - Learn how to perform analysis on data. - Be able to interpret the result obtained when applying different analytical techniques. - Have the ability to make decisions based on the observed outcomes. - Be able to select an appropriate analytical method(s) when faced with a business and/or sustainability challenge carrying out any subsequent analysis in an appropriate and well-informed manner. - Have the ability to outline and implement select techniques closely related to the management of environmental assets and other related fields such as transportation (e.g. choice modelling and optimisation). No prior knowledge of business analytics and mathematical techniques will be required. The module will focus on interpreting results rather than a deep understanding of the algorithm and/or techniques upon which the calculations are based.


Detailed Description

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Full programme information can be found in the Module and Programme Catalogue